Olympus GIF-XP190N Evis Exera III Video Gastroscope

The GIF-XP190N is the ideal choice when diagnosis using a super-slim videogastroscope is required. Excellent image quality, field-of view and illumination, coupled with enhanced NBI capabilities, make the GIF-XP190N a powerful tool for diagnostic gastroscopy via the transnasal route.

Superior image quality and wider field of view
The GIF-XP190N features improved image quality and illumination compared to previous generations. In addition, the field-of-view has increased to 140°, meaning the GIF-XP190N is an ideal tool for diagnosis in cases where a super-slim gastroscope is advantageous.

Wider possibilities for therapeutic interventions
HF surgery compatibility and a wider suction channel open new possibilities for therapy using the GIF-XP190N

Improved image quality
EVIS EXERA III endoscopes offer the highest level of endoscopic image quality, ensuring outstanding colour reproduction and even brightness across the whole endoscopic image – decisive in helping you establish a diagnosis. Thanks to improved signal processing, EVIS EXERA III endoscopes feature significantly reduced levels of halation and noise.

Waterproof One-touch Connector
EVIS EXERA III endoscopes feature a brand-new connector design no longer requiring the connection of a video or ScopeGuide cable. The connector is fully submersible, eliminating the need for a water-resistant cap.

Designed for ease-of-use
Ergonomically designed control section for enhanced colonoscope manoeuvrability, with easy-to-access controls and user-programmable switches.